About Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is a holistic, hands on approach using light touch. It is done without oils by gently stretching and releasing restrictions throughout the whole body.
Over time the fascia can become tight and constricted due to trauma, tension, anxiety, surgery and poor posture. The pain from Myofascial restrictions can seem to move around the body and can eventually feel like a straight jacket, this is a protective mechanism your body can adopt to protect you from harm. Myofascial Release brings back the fluidity to these areas, releases restrictions and trigger points.
Myofascial Release can help with:
- Pain anywhere in the body
- TMJ (jaw pain)
- Headaches/migraines
- Emotional release
- Neck pain
- Release from scars and hernia mesh operations
- Feeling freedom and length in your body
- Improved posture
My treatment room is based in Mansfield, UK. If this is your first booking for Myofascial Release then please book the 90 minute face-to-face consultation with treatment option in Mansfield. Following this first treatment, you can then book 60 minute appointments. If you would like to know more information before making a booking for this treatment, please email me at: intuitivebodysoul@gmail.com and I will get back to you.