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Scar Work

Scar Work

About Scar Work

A scar is often the first place to treat when finding the cause for pain elsewhere in the body. This is because scar tissue attaches to surrounding tissues and organs, which can cause restrictions in other parts of the body as fascia is connected throughout the body.

Scar Work can help with:
- Localised pain and stiffness
- All underlying restrictions caused by the scar
- Improve the appearance of the scar
- Gain better range of movement and freedom in muscles
- Improved posture by releasing stuck, tight fascia

“A scar is the top of a fascial iceberg…wherever the pain is, look elsewhere for the scar." - John F. Barnes

I offer face-to-face treatments for Scar Work, located in Mansfield UK. The treatments are based in a quiet, relaxing room that is perfect for holistic therapies.

If you would like to know more about Scar Work before booking in, please send a message to and I will get back to you.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or re-schedule, please contact me at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Thank you.

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